Honours programme
The BSc Honours programme is a one-year programme course work covering most areas of Space Sciences and modern Astrophysics and Cosmology. In addition to the lecture courses, students must complete research project work.
NASSP Honours programme has been run currently through the Applied Mathematics stream together with active participation from the School of Chemistry and Physics.
The deadline for applications is 31 August 2023.
NOTE: You will be notified before the beginning of November 2023 if you have been selected for NASSP Honours. If unsuccessful you can then still apply for a general NRF scholarship (deadline mid-November 2023).
How to Apply
Eligible students are invited to apply to NASSP online
Students provisionally accepted will be advised no later than mid-October 2023 and will be required to confirm their acceptance by then registering their application on the NRF Online Application System. Details of that process will be included in the provisional acceptance letter. Further information on the course can be obtained at here
- Apply directly to the University node/s of your choice for Honours (you can apply at more than one)
- Complete the online NASSP application form here and email requested documents to applications@nassp.uct.ac.za
- If successful in the NASSP application (you will be notified) then, apply to the NRF online funding system using the instructions in your NASSP acceptance letter.
Application details
The application form requires contact and demographic information, education history up to the present date, employment history (if any) up to the present date, a detailed motivation outlining why you have applied for NASSP, and the names and contact details of 2 academic referees who can comment on your academic ability and suitability for postgraduate study.
In addition to completing the online application form, applicants must also submit these documents to: applications@nassp.uct.ac.za
- full CV
- electronic copy of academic transcripts (official with university letterhead)
- copy of passport or SA ID document
Please address any queries and/or any problems you may experience in the application process to:
- nassp-admin@nassp.uct.ac.za (UCT) or
- nassp@ukzn.ac.za (UKZN) or
- nassp@nwu.ac.za (NWU)
Masters programme
The Masters students will be expected to work on a research topic under the supervision of scientists from one of the institutions participating in NASSP. Students can also be co-supervised by scientists from any of the NASSP partners.
The deadline for applications is 30 June 2023.
NOTE: You will be notified before the beginning of November 2023 if you have been selected for NASSP Honours. If unsuccessful you can then still apply for a general NRF scholarship (deadline mid-November 2023).
How to Apply
- Apply to the node University you would like to attend. Your options are:
2. Apply for a Master’s bursary on the NRF connect system
On the NRF connect site, the SARAO is only open to students in the following fields of study:
– Physics and Electronics or Astronomy or Astrophysics or Computer Science
– NASSP (National Astrophysics and Space Science Programme)
- All the postgraduate students will be expected to apply on the NRF Connect system by accessing the NRF Connect link here
- NRF Online Submission System
- NRF Postgraduate Scholarships Application and Funding Guide
(See below for what to fill out for Project Outline, Details of Research, References and Supervisors sections)
3. Fill in the form on the NASSP website to enter your NRF application number and details for tracking
Click HERE to see more details about the NRF postgraduate funding for 2023 academic year.
NB! The 2023 Students should only apply through https://nrfconnect.
- Please note that you are required to select the NRF-NASSP scholarship when applying (see the picture here – select the one above the shaded).
Tracking form
- Read the documentation in the PDF document
- For the Project Outline, Details of Research, and References sections, cut and paste the following:
Project outline text:
This application is for the NRF-funded National Astrophysics and Space Science Programme (NASSP) Master’s which includes a coursework and dissertation component. The thesis topic is decided by the programme once the student has already registered and proceeded with the course/research-work component. The selection of students for this national programme, therefore, does not require a project outline.
Details of Research
This application is for the NRF-funded National Astrophysics and Space Science Programme (NASSP) Master’s which includes a coursework and dissertation component. The thesis topic is decided by the programme once the student has already registered and proceeded with the course/research-work component. The selection of students for this national programme, therefore, does not require a project outline.
References and Project supervisor/s:
[choose the node you are applying to and the relevant directors as your references and supervisor]
- NWU: Prof Stefan Ferreira
- UCT: Dr. Sarah Blyth & Prof. Saalih Allie
- UKZN: Prof Sivakumar Venkararaman